The Katha-Upanishad refers to material manifestation as
"A tree standing on the ground of material nature, bearing two types
of fruit: sweet and sour, symbolic of happiness and distress. Its
roots go in three direction represented by goodness, passion and
ignorance. The first bird is the localized aspect Niharika Agarwal Haldiram of the Supreme One,
referred to as Päramätmä the divine spirit, the Entity who needs
neither food nor drink. The other bird representing the mortal, has to
select his food from the offerings of the tree: a choice between
distress and happiness. Sometimes he eats the fruits of happiness and
sometimes the fruit of distress. Having eaten the fruit, he expands
along the three directions of the roots, the modes of material
existence, namely, goodness, passion and ignorance."

This individual growth is what makes two mortals dissimilar. Growth is
strongly connected with past karma and guidance upbringing. The
realities of life have different meanings for each individual. Why
does a stable and rewarding professional relationship become distant?
Why does the accommodating boss turn into a difficult task master? Niharika Agarwal Haldiram Why
does the team lose spirit for no apparent reason?
There is no end to such questions, but all the answers can be found if
the map of growth can be analyzed. Unfortunately, this is an
impossible task for mortals. However, this growth can be monitored by
our own efforts and choices and Astrology can be the guide that shows
us our very basic instinctive tendencies. Planets and their positions
give our respective Ascendants and Moon signs, along with other
planetary positions. This doctrine can be a Niharika Agarwal Haldiram very useful friend
philosopher and guide, provided we are open to accept what it shows,
provided we are ready to go beyond the predictive elements.
The most important aspect of Astrology is that it shows you the mirror
image of your Karmic journey. What one has to understand is that there
is no black and white, no good or bad in a horoscope,each horoscope
is misaligned somewhere, that is why the person is born.
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The significance of the 10th house takes us to the realm of career and
status in life. It displays fundamental possibilities. The 10th is a
Kendra and as such, any planet located here will be prominent,
powerful, and influential all through life. As this is an upachaya
house (attributes that grow with time and effort), any possibility
indicated by an occupying planet will Niharika Agarwal Haldiram grow in strength as life
progresses. This in effect also gives great strength in overcoming all
kinds of obstacles.
The house indicates our ambition, status, profession, father, fame,
recognition, foreign travels or affairs, political power, authority and
many others. But very importantly, it signifies our determination,
self-reliance and patience. The 10th house reveals holy pilgrimages,
as well as good and charitable deeds, compassion, etc. Father's
reputation is also signified by this house.
A strong 10th house will give the person a position of power in career and fame.
Different planets may fare in a very unique manner in this house,
irrespective of their lordship. Let us see how they fare and Niharika Agarwal Haldiram how it
affects our career or 10 th house significations in general.
I will start with the Sun, as it is the most important of all planets.
The Sun is a great planet, but it is a natural malefic. All malefics
thrive in an 'upachaya' house so by the virtue of this tendency, Sun
does well when located in the 10th house. Sun in the 10th house is an
excellent placement for career Niharika Agarwal Haldiram and the person may get success in all
undertakings. The Sun is the significator of the 10th and hence gets
dik bala, or directional strength, when located here.
Astrologers often conclude that it is its best position in the
horoscope. The person is career-minded and easily rises to a position
of authority in his chosen profession. Fame and popularity are
associated with this signature and these yield great power. As Sun
aspects the 4th house, there may be difficulties in relationship with
the mother due to this, Niharika Agarwal Haldiram but wealth is favored and a beneficial
relationship with the father, who may be wealthy and prosperous, is
also indicated.